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Gold's Gym Miranda

2023 Challenge

14th August - 11th September
It's time to build the new you

Our 4 Week Challenge is designed to transform your body and mind.

Surround yourself with an incredible community of like-minded people to get motivated and go beyond your limitations.

Winners are decided on greatest percentage change in body fat mass for both Male and Female. Relative measure means everyone has a chance to win!

The changes in body fat mass are calculated through the EVOLT body composition scans. Girth measures may also be taken to highlight overall body shape changes.

prizes up for grabs

2x $500 Cash Prizes (1 Male, 1 Female)

Merchandise, PT vouchers, LSKD vouchers and Trophy

Here’s what you can expect:
Information night

9th – 20th January
Stop by one of our information nights to get a rundown on the Challenge.


Prep week

21st – 22nd January
Visit the club for weigh-ins, measurements and ‘before’ photos.
It’s time to say your goodbyes to the old you.


Challenge weeks

23rd January – 19th March

This is where the new you starts.
Each week there is a group activity to help you stay motivated and commited to your goals.
Think hiking, indoor sports, boot camp, obstacle courses and more!


Post Challenge week

20th – 26th March
On the week after the challenge, we measure your progress and success with a final check-in body scan, and take your ‘after’ photos.

Challengers are judged on overall body composition improvement – body fat percentage lost and/or lean muscle mass gained.


Winners announced

1st April 
Each club will be hosting a Challenge after party to celebrate everyone’s progress and achievements.

The two National winners (1 male, 1 female) will be announced via a livestream.


2023 Challenge

Register your interest

Gold’s Gym Port Macquarie

Register your interest to save on foundational membership offers!

Select a club to get started

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